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If you work in a nursing home with home health care or elder care you will know how much red tapeHands is involved. All this red tape and checks are supposed to ensure that the people who are subject to the care by such workers are afforded the best possible treatment with the maximum number of safeguards. New data suggests that many workers in this field lack the necessary training and make mistakes, particularly with regards to errors in giving medication to people in their care.

The Northwestern University in Chicago employed 100 professional caregivers to evaluate them with particular regards to literacy in their tasks and knowledge in the course of their work. The findings show that most people working in a nursing home with home health care or elder care are foreign born 50-year-old women who have had a limited amount of school education. Nearly 30% makes less than the minimum wage.

The participants in the study had to take control of administrating medical to their charges as well as go with them to doctor’s appointments. It was with the giving of medication that most errors were found and it is this that the report says is cause for great concern. It was also stressed than in many cases even though the carer was nodding and giving the impression of understanding they did not have full comprehension of the situation.

In full the report found that 60% of the caregivers involved in the study made errors in medication. The report did however stress that the majority of caregivers were good people who were working to support their families.

From http://personalfinancebulletin.com/medication-errors-numerous-in-home-nursing-and-elder-care/7433/

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